Hillary van wetter
Hillary van wetter

hillary van wetter

And from the depths of this murky swamp comes yet another truly inspired performance from singer Macy Gray ("Training Day") as Jack's maternal stand in and symbol of racial strife, Jansen housekeeper Anita Chester. Nicole Kidman, in particular, has thrown herself way out onto a limb, turning herself into a blow up sex doll with little in the way of motivation.

hillary van wetter hillary van wetter

Hillary van wetter movie#

This is a bad movie that's enjoyable just because it's so jaw dropping. Jack is jealous of Ward's regard for his writing partner, Yardley Acheman (David Oyelowo, "Red Tails"), whose British accent and black skin rankle their dad, but he's thrown completely off guard by Charlotte Bless (Nicole Kidman), a local floozy who's hitched her wagon to the accused in "The Paperboy." Cowriter (with the novel's author Peter Dexter)/director Lee Daniels ("Precious") veers wildly from statement making to Kentucky fried trash in this lurid free for all which is the B movie counterpart to another 2012 McConaughey comeback express film, "Killer Joe." But where Joe was directed with a firm hand by William Friedkin, Daniels has lost all control of is material. Former swimming champion Jack Jansen (Zac Efron, "The Lucky One," "Liberal Arts") is whiling his life away in Lately, Florida, delivering papers for his dad's local rag when his adored older brother Ward (Matthew McConaughey, "Magic Mike") returns home to investigate a possible murder frame up for the Miami Times.

Hillary van wetter