never removed or thinned any of them and now these 40 yr old giants are full of nuts and some are reaching for the sky at 100 ft tall.and this close planting has not affected their growth rate or size. We planted our first 50 black walnuts only 3 ft apart in a row behind our house to get cross pollination. We sell all our fresh black walnuts to LUFA(food basket company in Montreal) for their online customers. The soft green "skin" around the fresh walnut can be used to make a parasite cleansing drink or a natural black dye used for hair colouring. The hard shells are useful as a soil amendment (carbon enhancement).and are used to clean aircraft engines( maybe you can sell your walnut shells to them?). Worth the investment to get a nutcracker to savour the nut. RF PW79MXEastern black walnut (Juglans nigra) seedling sprouting from the seed (nut or fruit), showing taproot, secondary (lateral) roots, stem, and leaves. The tasty nuts are very large and flavourful.but hard to crack. Plant these zone 3, cold hardy black walnut trees to add value to your land. The walnuts can be used to dye cloth a dark purple colour. Nuts are delicious and the sap can be boiled down for syrup. We sell seedling trees grown from our best nut producing Mother trees growing on our farm. Black Walnut is a traditional food of Indigenous People. Single mature trees can sell for as much as $10,000 each.
Black walnut trees are also drought tolerant, and can tolerate temperatures as low as -20F (-4C). Juglone is released from the black walnut tree’s roots, leaves, and nuts.

The black walnut tree produces a chemical called juglone, which is toxic to many plants. The black walnut tree is one example of a walnut tree that is poisonous to plants. It can be grown in full sun, partial shade, or in shade. Some walnut trees are poisonous to plants, but not all of them are. Walnut is a hardy, drought-tolerant tree that can grow in a wide range of climates. Once common in North America, the lumber of this native tree is so valuable that most have been cut down and sold. Black walnuts have a rich, bold, distinctive flavor and texture that is different from English walnuts.